Indian Creek High School Class of 1982
20-Year Reunion Questionaire Results and Other Nifty Facts about Classmates
Wanted For The Reunion
20-Year Reunion Questionaire Results and Other Nifty Facts about Classmates
Pictures from IC
Favorite Links
Contact Info For the 2007 Reunion
Class Roster For ICHS 1982
Senior Polls from 1982

Winners of the door prizes are as follows:

Longest Married:  Penny Richards Haddan--20 Years and Brenda Watson Johnson--20 Years.  (These girls are saints!)
Most Children:  Norman Kromer--7 Kids  (!!!!!)

Farthest Traveled:  Dave Parker from Idaho. 

Least Changed:  Lee Weddle  (Just draw a mustache on his senior picture.)

Most Changed:  Juanita McCracken Lavy  (And doesn't she look marvelous?!)

The gift baskets for the door prizes contained a bottle of wine from the Brown County Winery and other little cute stuff.  Hope the winners enjoyed them. 

The center pieces were done by Juanita Lavy.  If you won one of the center pieces, please note that Juanita took the time to etch each one with our school name and the date of the reunion.  She did an wonderful job.....still not sure how she found the time!

Our entertainment was provided by Lyle Wilson.  Lyle did an absolutely wonderful job with the music and getting people involved.  Can't thank you and Sonya enough, Lyle!!!

Thanks also to all those who took the time to express their enjoyment and thanks to your reunion committee.  We really appreciate the support. 

If you didn't get a directory at the door, please contact me and I will be happy to mail you one.  And again, if you know where some of the missing are located, please let us know.   


If anyone has facts or information about who attended the Sunday pitch-in at the park, please let me know.  Juanita, Susan and I were unable to attend, so I have no information on who might have been there.